Kenton Homes for Sale

Kenton Homes for Sale!

The Kenton neighborhood is located in North Portland and is bordered by Arbor Lodge, St. Johns, andPiedmont neighborhoods. Kenton is also in close proximity to other popular neighborhoods via the Max light rail which is located on nearby Interstate Avenue. A drive to downtown Portland is a mere 7-8 minutes away in good traffic conditions and a bike ride is about 25 minutes and is in mostly designated bike lanes.

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More about Kenton homes for sale neighborhood. Like many of the surrounding Portland neighborhoods, Kenton has been evolving but on a slower scale. The streets have new life and many of the vacant buildings have been rented and great local businesses have emerged. Locals enjoy indie businesses such as Posie’s Coffee, The Kenton Pub, Pizza Fino, E-San Thai, The Cup and Saucer Cafe and their very own library. For further information contact Ted J. Williams 360.910.0317

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For further information contact Ted J. Williams 360.910.0317

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